Home: Access Denied




“Home: Access Denied” is a short film about the history and legacy of residential segregation in Greater Rochester and the ways ordinary people are participating in civic action to create a more welcoming, just, and inclusive community. The film explores the stories of two families and their lived experiences shaped by the neighborhoods they call home. One family living in a ‘greenlined’ suburb and the other in an urban ‘redlined’ neighborhood, each confronting the deprivations of segregation. 

This 20 minute short film is intended for audiences grades 6 and up. It can be viewed individually, in a small group setting, and with large groups. The film is best paired with the Antiracist Curriculum Project’s classroom lessons but can also be shown independently. The directors of the Antiracist Curriculum Project are also available to visit your group to screen the film and facilitate a discussion (swiegand@ccsi.org | kjames@ccsi.org).

The film is a production of the Antiracist Curriculum Project, directed by Carvin Eison, filmed by Martin Hawk, written by Justin Murphy, produced by Brennon Thompson and Casey Asporooth-Jackson, and edited by Nicolina Scibona and Martin Hawk.